
A Drop of Light

Let us shine light on what we have pondered, experienced and learned along the journey so that we can evolve together.

Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Today, it happened

We often think that achieving goals will feel like pushing a boulder up a hill. We set huge goals and wonder why we don't achieve them. I'm here to tell you that it does not have to be like that. Learn how you can make it easier on your brain and body to make the necessary shifts.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

I am free

Feeling stuck in life - your job, in a relationship, in a city, etc. - can leave you resentful, angry and even ill. There are small steps you can take to open and reframe your mind to options that you didn’t even know existed.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Channel your inner surfer

Surfers seem to live with such a freedom and focus. What can you do to see the world more clearly through that lens?

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Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Know yourself

A successful health journey begins by getting to know your body. Take into consideration the full picture of your world. Then you have the ability to create a plan and path forward that will set you in motion to achieve your goals.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Living abundantly with imperfection

Many of us operate with the mentality that perfection is the goal, even though NOTHING is perfect in this world. Consider the power that can come from living your life with more room for vulnerability as you learn, fail and explore.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Just start over

Starting over can feel incredibly frustrating - whether it's simply writing a letter or working through something big like moving to a new city or going through a divorce. Consider these seven recommended steps to successfully navigate the path forward.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

What if…

Much of what we believe is deeply embedded in what we were taught. What else is out there? if only you could create a little bit of room to learn something new or shift your perspective.

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Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

The mind body connection

We often treat our body separate from our mind. In reality, they are one. In fact, they depend on each other. Dig in to ways that you can. leverage this to your advantage.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Borrowing confidence

It can be difficult to feel confident every day. What do you do when you need a confidence boost? You borrow it!

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Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Carb cycling

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

This blew my mind

You experience, in some sense, the world that you expect to experience,” says Andy Clark, a cognitive scientist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. All of our experiences have the ability to influence the way we feel and interact with others. Learn how to be more aware of what you see and expect to see.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Explore, learn & listen

Movement can take so many forms and it absolutely doesn't have to feel exhaustive or painful. Find what you love and do more of it. Learn to move through each day focusing on what feels good in your body.

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Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Rest & Re-Create

A super important component of a good health program, and one aspect that is easily overlooked but is just as crucial for a healthy lifestyle, is Rest. Why is that?

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Move and the way will open

The brain loves patters. It relies on them. However, patterns can hold us back. How can you get out of your way so that opportunity opens up?

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

What did you learn today?

Each connection we make in this world has the potential to be transformative. Welcome them and let them shift your perspectives.

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Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer Nick Medlock, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Nourish to flourish…eat your broccoli

There is a reason why your mom told you to eat your broccoli. It really is a superfood. Check out how it can help you feel your very best.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Shift your perspective

As we all work through our daily challenges - some big and some small - having a shift in perspective can be so incredibly impactful. Our brains (and egos) try to have our best interest, but often that viewpoint can be limiting.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

You’re in the driver’s seat

As I connect with people, there is a consistent theme – unsettled feelings around a future that may have many unknowns followed by feelings of body & mind fatigue. Learn powerful ways to balance your mind and body so you can thrive.

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