Carb cycling

We have all heard the fad diets telling us to eat less carbs, or be low fat. There is always some sort of element in our diets that we demonize and is the scapegoat for our ill health. Well, we need carbs, and fats, and proteins.

But some of these come packed with calories, and some of these don’t satisfy your hunger as much as others. We can mix them together in certain strategies so we don’t have to cut out anything you need in your diet.

First establish how many calories you need in a day. Use a calorie calculator from to help find your calorie “zone” for maintenance or weight loss. Then, with your MyFitnessPal app, you can track your diet and see how many fats, carbs, and proteins you normally would eat. Just track yourself for a week. 

Begin to play with some days - eat less fat and more carbs. Eat good quality food. Then other days eat more fats and less carbs. You can cycle protein too if you want.

Experiment, and see how your body reacts. It’s a great way to learn more about your body. 


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