Changing your mind can change your world

Listen to these free guided meditations to slow down and shift your perspective.

  • Ground

    It all begins with your connection to the earth. Your ability to clearly connect with yourself and others comes from you feeling balanced, stable and aware. The best way to get into this space of clarity is by grounding yourself. This guided meditation focuses specifically on rooting your body and mind back into the ground beneath you. Slow down and feel clearer, connected and focused in just minutes.

  • Breathe

    Your breath is at the core of it all. It is your life force, prana, chi. The oxygen that comes in through each breath nourishes your entire body. The act of deep, slow and smooth breathing shifts the body from fight or flight to rest and relaxation. You gain access to your ability to think more clearly and gain perspective on whatever is in front of you. Use this guided meditation to center yourself, leaving you feeling calm, clear and aware.

  • Heal

    Your mindset and beliefs are intricately woven in to your body’s ability to heal. All healing is self-healing. Shifting your body into a positive state of being will help you balance your energy and encourage amazing health and vitality. Overcome emotional and even physical issues by setting off a powerful healing response. Develop this self-healing ability by starting with this guided healing meditation.

Today, I have an optimistic view on life. I look for the opportunity in every situation. I accept new ideas and viewpoints. I know that all is working for my highest good. I understand that the outside world is based on my thoughts and mental attitude. If I control my mind and frame of reference, I have controlled everything... in my control. Today, I have an optimistic view on life.