
A Drop of Light

Let us shine light on what we have pondered, experienced and learned along the journey so that we can evolve together.

Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Life off the treadmill

Are you feeling like you’re stuck on a never-ending treadmill each day? I did too. The funny thing is, once I stepped off that treadmill it was the most glorious thing I’ve ever done. Sometimes all it takes is a moment to remember who you are and what you love.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Dancing, lasers & a smoke machine

What is it about music that transforms us? It has a profound ability to entirely shift our mood and elevate our spirits in ways that few other things can. It literally creates an atmosphere of joy, energy, and togetherness. The booming bass beats take over your body and begin to override the rhythm of your heartbeat. Here are a few ways to use music to let go, have fun and shift your energy to vibrate higher and higher.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Ice, spikes & grounding

If the ground underneath you doesn’t feel solid, if your world is swirling and you don’t feel connected, then feelings of fear and anger may easily surface. Find out how to shift out of the chaos and back into your body. Tap into these easy ways to ground yourself and calm your nervous system.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

On the flipside

Traveling to new places can open doors you never imagined. On a recent trip overseas, I kept my eyes wide open as I took in the people, food and languages all around me. Each time I travel, I discover things I never expected.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

You just have to let them fly

I was about 33 when I got my first tattoo. I don’t know how this even happened as I was adamant that people were ridiculous for putting something so permanent on their body. Then one day, I wanted one and went out and got it! I have no idea what came over me and why I was so clear about my intent, but I’ve never regretted it. As a parent of two young children, I didn’t really think about how they would view my tattoo.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

The most important thing I learned from my dad

I’m sitting on the sofa in front of the living room windows in my house. I was young, probably 8 or 9 years old. It felt like the entire front of the house on Larkspur Drive was a windshield to the world. I watched everything from the cars driving too fast down the road to the kids walking home from school to the firetrucks sounding off their emergency horns as they screamed by to save lives. It felt like no one could see me, but I could see everyone and everything.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Trust the process

After a lot of time, anxiety and anguish, I decided to let go and trust the process. Trust means letting go of control and expectations. It means being relaxed enough, at any moment, to take effective action when needed or do nothing when that is most helpful. Trust is an awareness that there’s no need for anxiety about whatever happens because it’s all part of the journey of life.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Out of nowhere, there he was

We go and we go, until we can’t go any longer. Why is that? There are important messages in the most difficult and painful experiences in our life. The test is in your ability to listen despite the obstacles. It took me so long until I could actually hear what I needed to do. Here are a five things to consider if you’re questioning your path forward.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Hope you find it

There will never be enough time to do it all. There is more for us to do in this world than anyone could ever possibly do in multiple lifetimes. We have to CHOOSE what is most important. We have to CHOOSE what makes us feel whole. When you show up in your fullest form, you make the world better. You give others the permission to do the same. Find out what inspired me to make a huge shift in my life.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Take everything with a grain of salt

There are countless ways that Mother Nature recommends we heal our bodies. Did you know that natural salt can kill bacteria? Read more for a magic potion you can make today that will help you stay healthy.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Sink into that sweet moment

How can you soak up every moment of your life when the distractions seem endless? Trying to do it all without truly focusing on the present can feel utterly exhausting. Read more for ways to make meaningful shifts to sink into the moments that matter.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Ok, I’m awake

My world cracked open after I washed a load at the laundromat. I was able to see how desperate our communities are. Read more to learn about what woke me up and how you can do the same.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Table for one, please

Don’t wait around for others to join you along your journey. I've told my kids forever that one of the most important things they can do is EXPLORE. We gain so much by taking in experiences and we just can't wait around for others to do what brings us joy. I certainly will invite people to go along with me, but their decision isn't going to hinder my happiness or what I do along my path.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

I’m all ears

We are consumed by tasks and distractions. So much so, that you may not even know if you’re really listening. Read more for ways to check in and make some easy changes that will help you stay focused.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Thank you, ma’am

Some days you think that your life sucks. In that moment, it may actually feel really crappy. You can't see anything but yuck and you have probably forgotten the thousands of things that are actually okay or even amazing. Perspective plays a huge role in how you move forward. Discover easy ways to find this and your center once again.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

My ego took the wheel

The ego is pretty powerful and can take you on a ride. Your mind goes wild with thoughts and most of them are worst-case scenarios. Here are three ways to stop the ego from taking over the wheel.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

Let it go

We are bodies of energy. It doesn’t take much to shift your energy in a direction that leaves you feeling sad, scared, lethargic and more. There are ways to let go and release what isn’t serving you. Here are 11 steps you can easily take to feel better right now.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

It’s a fine balance

When you’re feeling like you’re running in circles and the exhaustion is always right there…what do you do? Check in with your energies - masculine and feminine. Some simple changes can have massive downstream shifts in your energy levels.

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

3,2,1…Blast off

We float along and one day we realize that there is more. That was exactly what happened to me. After digging deeply inside my mind and heart, I became clear on what I’m here to do. Let me help you do the same!

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Michelle Thompson Michelle Thompson

My heart is back on track

Our physical body will tell us a lot about our health. It can even begin to tell you about your mental health. Deciding to seek support when things don’t feel right any longer can be the key to your ability to heal and be ready for the beautiful experiences that are on deck for you to experience.

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