What is Life Coaching?

There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It is why you were born and how you become most truly alive.

- Oprah Winfrey


The real you is amazing.

We are tribal by nature. Reach out and help others. Ask for help. We are not meant to do this alone.

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching focuses on where you are and where you really want to be. Through conversation and inquiry, I will help you clarify your goals, look at what is holding you back from accomplishing them and determine what steps will move you forward. With a clear strategy for meeting your goals, I help you create your personalized tool kit and resources you need to succeed. Unlike other relationships you may have, Life Coaching focuses completely on you, what you want and how you can get it. I help you come up with your own answers for creating the changes you want in your life. 

The best way to benefit from coaching is to commit to a minimum of three months. Life coaching sessions are 60 mins long and take place over the phone or in person. Our first meeting will include a one-hour life coaching session, plus a half-hour intake where we establish our working relationship. We will explore and discover what is important to you and what successfully motivates you. After the first session, you will have a clear understanding of your goals. Then, together, we will create a Life Coaching Plan that will work for you. You will receive a follow-up email after each session summarizing our session and outlining your action steps. 


01 — Clarity

As we work together you will begin to see puzzle pieces fall into place and your path forward will feel clearer. When we break each goal down into actionable steps, you feel less overwhelm and an ease in completing each task. No goal is too big or small for coaching, and it is amazing what you will be able to do once you start. As we achieve our dreams we start to dream bigger and grow faster than we ever did before.

02 — Purpose

I have come to believe that each of us is born with a unique life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful and happy people take. They take the time to understand what they’re here to do – and then they pursue that with passion and enthusiasm. I guide you as you take the opportunity to pause what you’re doing and reflect on whether you feel like the path you are on is taking you in the direction you want to go you.

03 — Balance

Everyone wants balance in their lives. Moving through each day in the same way as yesterday can leave you feeling uninspired and often unfulfilled. It is easy to get caught up with work and lose sight of what is important to you. Creating space for rest, joy, creativity, exploration and self-inquiry becomes your priority. Life Coaching can provide perspective and help you stay focused on what matters most.

04 — Thrive

When you are living a life that is authentic and aligned with your personal gifts and talents, magic begins to happen. You get out of your way and the people, circumstances and outcomes naturally begin falling into place. When we start to see our dreams come true and accomplish the goals we set out to achieve, we begin to see a significant shift in the way we do things and the way we experience life. We start to dream bigger and grow faster than we ever did before. Remember this one important truth…you were put here to thrive, not just survive.

You’re always one choice away from changing your life.

What People Are Saying.

“I started working with Michelle about a year ago when I was going through a rough time emotionally. I knew I wanted to start making art again but something was blocking me. Since working with Michelle I have had an Art show opening in New York and debuted some Textile Art collections for one of my clients. I am on track to have another Art Show soon and continue to work with Michelle. She is so kind and has a passion to help. She has so much experience and knowledge to share that it really helps me become more clear about how to bring my artistic expressions to life. Thank you Michelle!”

— Bill, May 2022

“I started working with Michelle at the beginning of the year when I was at a crossroads both personally and professionally. I knew I needed a change but felt very stuck in transition and wasn’t sure how to navigate forward. I reached out to Michelle after reading her blog posts. She was warm and welcoming and I could tell that her energy was just what I needed. She helped me to start looking at small incremental changes as a pathway to the larger ones I wanted to pursue. I was given “permission to dream” and I finally started opening up my thinking to new career paths. It was amazing because as soon as I opened up to these possibilities then the opportunities started coming rapidly. I ended up taking a higher paying job and I’m so excited for where I am now. Michelle was a great guide and she has amazing insight and experience to share. Her calm, down to earth demeanor make her so easy to talk to. I continue to work with Michelle on personal goals and I can’t say enough about the difference she has made in my life. I’m so grateful to know her! ”

— Marcia, May 2022

“Michelle has helped me to see far more clearer and cleaner in my every day life. After many years of anxiety, I am now facing the world with a much more focused mind set, understanding that I am in charge, rather than my anxiety.

Emotionally, I feel stronger. And Michelle has impacted every area of my life in a very positive way. I am now an enhanced version of myself and I continue to grow with this wonderful human being by my side. Michelle is someone I hold very closely and I am so pleased she is in my life.”

— SMP, May 2022

Okay, I’m ready. Next chapter please.