Let it go

Today was a thick day. Do you know what I mean? It started out fine and by 1pm it was thick - sluggish, cloudy mind, tired, no motivation. What the heck happened?

Our bodies are balls of energy. When your energy comes in contact with other thoughts or energy, it can shift the way you feel - a lot, a little or somewhere in between. When we experience a challenging, upsetting, distracting or traumatizing event, we can hold onto that energy in our body and even focus specifically on it. That negative energy can manifest as pain in the body, digestive upset, tightness in the shoulders, chest or other parts of the body, a lump in the throat or stomach, depression, sighing, mood swings and anger, hormonal imbalances and more. So if you think about it, energy maintenance is required on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, sensory, etc. If we want to feel happy, we need to regulate it all.

Over time, and without resolution or letting go of that energy, stagnant energy can sit heavily within our body and even manifest into physical dis-ease, ailment or illness. It's important for us to bring up, heal and release these energies on a daily basis. It takes consistent effort and dedication to stay clear so that you can feel clear. Here are some great ways to shift your energy:

  • Drink more water - Your body is 60% water and virtually all chemical reactions that take place within the body require water. Getting more water makes everything better.

  • Move your body - Looking for quick results? Moving the body is the best way to shift the energy. Exercise, dance...find what feels good.

  • Take a walk in nature - Spending even 10 minutes in nature can produce dramatic health benefits. The senses are consumed by all that is around you and you can shift into a meditative state which creates a sense of calmness for reflection.

  • Massage - Moving energy through touch is powerful. That is why it feels so good. Remember to drink a lot of water to flush out what is released.

  • Shower or salt bath with meditation - Just rinse it all away. Use the shower or bath to relax, meditate and release.

  • Stretch - Can't exercise or dance? Then just stretch. Simple, deep stretches can relax muscles.

  • Listen to moving music - Sound is energy. Finding that perfect song can immediately be felt and can transport your mind to an amazing place. Add some dancing and you have double the goodness.

  • Initiate that conversation - You know when it's time to talk. Finding the courage to talk about your feelings can result in perspective shifts and healing.

  • A good laugh or cry - Both laughter and tears allow for release. Laughter helps to break up lower vibrations and thought patterns. Tears can be incredibly relieving and help in processing thoughts and feelings.

  • High vibing foods - When we eat, we bring new energy into our body. By eating fresh food that is high quality, organic and cultivated with love and consideration, you simply feel better. We bring those high vibrations right into our body.

  • Breathe - Conscious breath is our life-force. It gives stagnant energy momentum to move through the body. Find ways to intentionally breathe. Slow breaths in and out of the nose brings the best results.

When we consistently practice loving behaviors, we leave little to no room for stagnant energy to settle. The path becomes clear and we are able to feel clear as well.


My ego took the wheel


It’s a fine balance