It’s a fine balance

I received some kind, but firm, advice today - you need to rest, they said. I have heard this so much over the last year. For some reason, this felt different. Funny thing...I actually thought I was rested. I guess I still have work to do. He went on to talk to me about how I was spending my time, exerting my energy. Here is what I learned:

As women and men, we go through life operating how we "think" we are supposed to. We often get really good at that. So good, in fact, that we forget to make sure we keep things in check, or balanced. Our culture sees us in stereotypes of the masculine and feminine. Men are this way and women are that way. However, the healthiest way we can flow through each day is to allow ourselves to oscillate on a spectrum of masculine and feminine energies, ideally finding a balance between the two. Let me explain.

In referencing the terms masculine and feminine I'm not implying gender. Think about the sun and the moon, light and dark. These polar energies can be embodied regardless of the gender with which you associate yourself. Masculine energy is confident, assertive, direct, competitive, purposeful and logical. While feminine energy is intuitive, reflective, nurturing, empathetic, supportive and creative. As you can see, both the masculine and feminine qualities are desirable. When we spend too much time focusing on one or the other we can begin to feel depleted. This is where awareness and rest come into play. Finding balance can look different for everyone. Below are ways to come into balance:

Nurturing the feminine energy

  • Check in with yourself throughout the day - Am I doing or am I being? Masculine energy is associated with “doing” where feminine energy is associated with “being”

  • Avoid rushing

  • Limit caffeine and hydrate your body

  • Spend as much time in nature as you can

  • Meditate

  • Cry if you need to

  • Make time to be creative

  • Allow yourself to receive

  • Use your senses and explore essential oils

Nurturing the masculine energy

  • Be curious and explore

  • Plan something adventurous

  • Try new hobbies

  • Lean into your strengths

  • Rely on yourself and your individual achievements

  • Tenaciously pursue what you want

  • Get together with friends and loved ones to feel that sense of connection and friendship

  • Allow yourself to give

  • Use your senses and explore essential oils

Let this be a calm, kind exploration of how you flow each day. Create an awareness and be patient with yourself as you move in and out of balance. This isn't about one or the other. Simple awareness will allow you to make big or small adjustments so you can feel your best.


Let it go


3,2,1…Blast off