3,2,1…Blast off

I did what they said I should do...for a long time, like over 12,000 days. I worked hard, learned, I acted the part, fought through the pain, the obstacles and bounced back countless times. I had many successes but they left me seeking more.

Until one day...I said enough is enough. I am here on this planet for way more than this. I have gifts to share. I have people to meet.

I found the courage to leap. I just knew in my heart that the net would appear. You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.

I did the deep work to explore and heal. Don’t get me wrong. I fought the countless recommendations. But then I softened. I listened.

- I released the fear.

- I released the pain.

- I released the doubt

- I became free.

- I became empowered.

- I dug up my buried treasures.

- I embraced my magnificence.

And one day, it became crystal clear. TODAY, I launched my own company, Root Down to Rise, to help people believe in and act with pure awareness of their greatness. Root down, connect with who you really are and rise up strong, confident and clear.

I connect with people to coach them. I use retreats and workshops to explore, educate and uncover the courage and clarity to evolve. I guide people in using yoga and meditation to go inward and really listen.

YOU KNOW...who you are, where you’re going, what to do, how to get there. Let me help you listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Let me help you believe that you can take the leap. Let me help you live as many of your days as you can in your FLOW. It feels simply magical.


It’s a fine balance


My heart is back on track