Borrowing confidence
A few years ago, I tackled a huge goal in my life. I chose to get certified as a yoga teacher while working full time. After 200 hours of training and 300 hours of homework, there was an extensive written exam and each student had to teach. This full day of "testing" felt incredibly ominous for me. I had formed relationships with my fellow students and the teacher and didn't want to let anyone down, especially myself. Throughout my life, I have always taken pride in continuing my education but this felt enormous. I remember sitting up in bed that morning thinking what in the world am I doing. I'm not a yoga teacher. Who am I kidding? But I couldn't back down now. So I started to think of the people in my life that I admired for their confidence. How did they do it? How did they stand in front of others and "own it?" It was 7am on a Sunday and I couldn't call them, so I just decided to borrow their confidence. Yep...I envisioned that I could tap into their light and be as bright and strong as they were.
Guess what? It worked. I completely ROCKED it with both the exams and the teaching. Was it easy? Nope. I just kept thinking about how amazing they were and I realized that I can be equally as amazing. I was so incredibly proud of what I did that day and celebrated like never before. Years later, I still look back on that experience and feel so empowered.
There will be days when you just don't know where to get the super power you need to accomplish what is in front of you. So borrow accordingly and wear the confidence as truth until you can embody it yourself.
You've got this!