This blew my mind

I'm taking a class. It's a big one that is over 4 weeks. I'm learning alongside 20 other people in a virtual setting. I'm absolutely loving that I'm meeting new people and exploring new concepts. One of the homework assignments was to read the below article. I had heard about the fact that as we walk around day to day our brains completely miss things that we don't actually pay attention to. However, I didn't realize that there is a theory that the brain often predicts what it will see which influences our perception before we actually sense it.

“You experience, in some sense, the world that you expect to experience,” says Andy Clark, a cognitive scientist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

All of our experiences have the ability to influence the way we feel and interact with others. You may ask yourself:

  • How much PREDICTING am I doing in my daily life?

  • How does this affect my happiness and success?

  • What can I do to increase my perception of POSSIBILITY?

See how you can shift things up in your world. Maybe some of the ways you move through the day are a bit on auto-pilot. If that is the case, make some changes. Take a different path. Change up the order in which you typically flow through your routine tasks. You get the idea. Then check in with yourself to see if anything looks or feels different.

Check out the full article below:



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